
Dan's the Man!

My friend just messaged me about this: an anime viewing/Christian themed discussion group he's hosting at his church. Apparently the news picked up on it and so have the anime fans. The anime series is called "Haibane Renmei" ("Grey Winged Federation") and follows the story of kids in a town that are birthed as angels; fallen from some previous existence about which little is known. My friend showed me the series and led me through his then accompanying study. I thought it was a great series (confession: I like anime, I'm a nerd! But I'm not addicted, I swear.) and there are many Christian references which are great topics for discussion and further study. I'm personally praying for my friend that this goes really well and that lots of people who might not normally have anything to do with God beyond a personal philosophy level find something solid to chew, wrestle with and come to knowledge of the Only and true God. Pray for it as well!


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