


I just learned about this today and I have no idea if its legit or not, but it seems like a great idea and format. Essentially, you can partially loan to a person in the 3rd world trying to start a business. Seems like a great way to get folks standing on their own.

As for other stuff, still working and helping out with Jr high at church. I've been going through a lot of theology lately, but I think that it is necessary. There are a number of times in the New Testament where Paul is very clear on having correct doctrine. I think that God is trying to get me grounded so that I can find the right place for service and not have to be double checking the teachings when I need to be serving. Currently, the big questions are: What is the gospel? What is the main duty of a disciple of Christ (just preach the gospel, live the gospel, pursue correct doctrine, just work and be happy, combo, etc? Does effectiveness matter at all (ie, preach the gospel even if no one comes to Christ as a result, see Isaiah 6)? I'm hoping to get some sort of cohesive idea soon, but who knows.

I've recently researched liberation theology. The core of the movement has passed on since the fall of the eastern bloc, but apparently it has taken different forms now. I can't begin to explain what it is about, but it is easy to research. I think they offer some good view points, but I don't agree with many of their conclusions. When I attempt to answer the above questions I'll give a much more thorough description and thoughts.

Anyways, I hope whoever is still reading this is well. Be blessed, God is really good and
Press on for Joy!


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